What is TYKG?

Teach Your Kids Guitar (TYKG) is a one-of-a-kind learning method that enables parents to teach their kids guitar--one on one, right at home.

  • Our method requires no previous musical experience.
  • The biggest obstacle to learning an instrument has been totally eliminated – you do not need to learn how to read music.
  • TYKG is not just for parents. It can be used by grandparents, aunts, uncles, and older siblings – in fact, anyone with a desire to give the gift of music!
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Learn While You Teach

Parents with no guitar experience will enjoy learning about guitar while teaching their children to play guitar. 

  • Designed to be used and understood on a gradual basis. 
  • Complete information and guidance for parents with no guitar experience.
  • Parental knowledge and Child knowledge progress together.
  • The learning process provides a unique parent-child bonding opportunity.

Parents can choose to either develop their own guitar playing skills along with their child, or just guide the child through the skill development process.

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Activity-Based Learning

Teach Your Kids Guitar uses an Activity-Based Approach, where each individual song acts as a vehicle to practice multiple musical concepts. 

  • Each TYKG song includes ten distinct learning activities.
  • Three distinct skill levels:  BeginnerIntermediate, and Advanced.
  • TYKG teaching tools allow children can track their progress for each song. 
  • Children can work with a song at the appropriate skill level, then return to it later for new challenges.

Our approach eliminates the frustration of getting "stuck" working with just one song and maximizes student interest & success.

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The Guitar Tablature Advantage

Traditional music notation is actually the number one reason why kids quit musical instruments.
It’s just too hard to learn to play an instrument – and learn to read music notation – all at once. 

Fortunately, the guitar has its own system called Guitar Tablature (TAB) notation.

  • TAB is much easier to learn – and much easier to teach.
  • TAB is the world’s most common guitar notation system and is used in nearly every guitar book, magazine, and website.

Guitar Tablature is so easy and effective because it provides a direct visual representation of notes on the guitar.  This gives a child a huge learning advantage and lets him or her focus on learning to play the instrument.

The Gift of Music

  • Learning an instrument is a great way to build self-confidence, and it helps kids feel great about themselves.  
  • Our activity-based system encourages students to work toward achieving learning goals and feeling good about their accomplishments. 
  • Studies have shown that children who play an instrument do better in school and go further in life – no surprise there!
  • TYKG can also be a gift for you as a parent because it provides you with a unique way to spend time with your child, greatly enriching your lives, and having lots of fun – all at the same time.  
  • Teaching a child or loved one a musical instrument truly is a one-of-a-kind bonding experience.  Enjoy the entire process – the priceless memories will last a lifetime.